I'm fifty eight years old right now
Just two years short of sixty
I've done an awful lot of stuff
Some of it kinda nifty
And so I thought I'd have a try
to put it all on record
Like a sort of Bucket List
but coming at it backward
I ran right up Ben Nevis
and back down it in the rain
I ran thirty half marathons
and don't have to again
I reached the top one hundred
in a British martial art
I put a clock together
after first taking it apart (and it worked)
I wrote a load of poems
and published my own book
Still available from Amazon
Why don't you take a look
I once crossed the Atlantic
in a propeller driven plane
Then they invented jet aircraft
to bring me home again
In forty years of driving
I have done one million miles
There're few roads I've not been along
in these our British Isles
Last year I went to Istanbul
alone by motorbike
And earlier this year
I spun my car into a dyke
I have dodged a terror bomb
and avoided two train crashes
I've been on a sinking ferry
but avoided all the splashes
I've helped a baby being born
and seen an old man die
And learned that there are many things
that make this old man cry
All these things that I have done
I've few ambitions left
I've fired a machine gun
I've flown a fighter jet
I've got children and grandchildren
and a tattoo on my chest
But out of all the things I've done
the children are the best