
It's Autumn
Nobody sees when Autumn starts
(Though start it does as Summer ends)
until the southbound flocks depart
with Swifts and Swallows and their friends
Then Fall is felt in human hearts
as Autumn's chilly hand extends
it's message from the weather charts
that nature's own timekeeper sends.

It's Autumn
The days go past much faster now
and Autumn's bounty is revealed
as harvester instead of plough
works back and forth across the field
and orchard fruit from off the bough
is added to the annual yield
'til all that nature can endow
is gathered in and doors are sealed

It's Autumn
The barns are full, the cattle fed
and workers thoughts begin to roam
to one long night, no sign of bed,
just mugs of beer with heads of foam
and great big chunks of fresh baked bread
warm, spread with honey off the comb
and all the words that must be said
to celebrate the harvest home.

It's Autumn
The pressure drops, the tempo slows
and harvest tools are put away
The fresh-hewn logs are stacked in rows
as it gets colder day by day
And as the bully north wind blows
the blue sky into shades of grey
each watcher of the weather knows
that Winter's just a breath away