It's time somewhere

I'll have bacon and eggs, black pudding and spam
hash browns and mushrooms and waffles with jam
coffee and OJ, all fine breakfast fare
'cause I'm sure that it's seven o'clock somewhere

Get me coffee and doughnuts, yoghurt and fruit
even some crystallized ginger root
banana and chocolate cake that I'll share
'cause I'm sure it's eleven o'clock somewhere

A chicken and bacon club sandwich comes next
or burger and fries in a take-out context
burritos and tacos, I'm quite laissez faire
when it comes to it being twelve o'clock somewhere

I'll have afternoon tea with crumpets and honey
a fish finger sandwich with butter all runny
a chateaubriand with a salad nicoise
good german beer from my favourite bars
The time doesn't matter, I'm ready to swear
there's no doubt it's surely (add time here) somewhere